The Future of Kindergarten @ GVL
Reluctantly, the kindergarten program will be suspended at the end of 2024 for the foreseeable future. This is due to the following factors:
- Competition: There is significant competition from long day care providers who offer subsidised rates and high-quality free kindergarten programs in our area.
- Low Retention: The retention rate from kindergarten to Prep has traditionally been poor, primarily due to the perceptions of quality and the previous uncertainty about GMS’ future.
- Administration Burden: The administrative requirements from ACECQUA and DET are extensive, almost akin to running two separate schools. With low enrolment numbers, administration has become inefficient.
- Staffing Shortage: The expansion of free kindergarten hours to 30 hours from 2025 to 2032 requires doubling the workforce. Finding Montessori-trained ELC and Prep-qualified staff is already challenging.
- Economic Impact: The kindergarten program currently operates at a deficit of $130,400 annually. Combined with the other factors above, this makes it unsustainable.

When will the 3 and 4 Year Old kindergarten program officially close? The kindergarten program will officially close at the end of the 2024 school year.
How does the Free Kinder program impact our kindergarten? The Free Kinder program has resulted in decreased retention rates from kindergarten to Prep. Many parents have chosen to enrol their child in a local primary school at the end of the free Kinder program, and had no intention of continuing their connection into the primary years at GMS/GVL. This has impacted our enrolment and financial sustainability. Independent Schools Victoria (ISV) have informed us that this is a common experience among many independent schools since the introduction of the Free Kinder program.
What will the 2025 4 Year Old kindergarten student do? We will discuss opportunities to remain at GVL with impacted families on an individual basis. We predict that all current 3YO and 4YO Kinder families will be able to continue at GVL in 2025 and beyond.
Will there be any changes to GVL fees as a result of this closure? We are delighted to announce that there will again be no change to fees in 2025. In spite of a CPI increase of 8.1 % in 2022 and a 4.1% increase in 2023, our full fees, including the healthy food program, class materials, and excursions, will remain at $7,800 per year for all P-12 year levels.
How will this affect the overall structure of the school? The suspension of the kindergarten program will allow us to focus resources and efforts on enhancing our high-quality P-12 program, ensuring a better educational experience for all students.
What happens to the kindergarten program guides? We are working closely with the guides involved to provide support, and all staff will have the opportunity for redeployment within GVL.
Will there be any changes to the Montessori-inspired program in the primary program? No, we will retain our Montessori-inspired learning in the primary program and attempt to form informal partnerships with Montessori Early Learning Centre (ELC) programs as part of a broader Montessori network.
Will GVL continue to provide early learning opportunities in the future? While we are suspending the current kindergarten program for now, we will explore potential partnerships and collaborations with local ELC programs to build connections with future GVL families.
How can parents stay informed about the changes and support available? We will keep the GVL community informed through regular updates on our website, emails, and community meetings. Parents can also contact Pip, Peter or Beth for specific questions and assistance.
How does the suspension align with GVL’s long-term goals? Suspending the kindergarten program allows us to allocate resources more effectively and use these increased resources to add to the quality of our P-12 education. This aligns with our long-term goal of providing high-quality personalised learning for all young people.
What will happen to the current kindergarten facilities and resources? The current kindergarten facilities and resources will be repurposed to support other GVL programs. We will ensure that all resources are utilised to enhance the learning environment for our P-12 learners. As part of the design of the Master Plan, we will involve young people in this decision-making process.
What opportunities are there for families to discuss this? We welcome discussion with our GVL community. Peter and Pip will reach out individually to all families involved in the coming days.
How will the closure affect class sizes in the primary and secondary programs? The suspension of the kindergarten program will not impact the size of Learning Cycles in the primary and secondary programs. We will continue to maintain optimal group sizing to ensure personalised learning experiences and high-quality education for all young people.
If GVL is going well financially, why can’t we subsidise the Kindergarten? While the school is in a very positive financial position, we need to be conscious of equity and the current cross subsidisation of over $10,000 per kinder student is inequitable and unsustainable. Due to a mandated student to Guide ratio of 1:11 in ELC settings, there would always be a requirement for a significant cross-subsidy, regardless of ELC grew in size.
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